5 Things… Our Favs with all our heart from the Spring Seasons list of fantastic characters.

So it is a little late but I thought it was about time when the anime seasons end that we actually have a bit of a look back at the good, the bad and the ugly.

Or maybe just the good because you probably are fed up of hearing about the other bits.

So today we’ll be looking at our favourite characters from the Spring Season which included The Rising of the Shield Hero, Dororo, Attack on Titan Season 3, Bungou Stray Dogs Season 3 and Mayonaka No Occult Koumin.

Our one rule is that the anime has to END in the season for it to be part of the end of season stuff. So things that carried over from winter are in this whilst Demon Slayer will, if we get ourselves together and do it in time, be part of the Summer Season.

5. Rampo Edgowara (Bungou Stray Dogs)

He was going to be in a list regardless so I thought I’d just waste the fifth spot.

From the beginning of Bungou Stray Dogs I’ve loved the Detective named after one of the only Japanese writers I’ve ever read any work of (other then Manga writers obviously.) He’s childlike yet the oldest in the office, he hasn’t got a ability yet his natural ability to deduct what is happening is one of the strongest parts of the Agency.

There is always a reason to absolutely adore this character but in season 3 he had to start to act his age and take charge, both organising attacks on the Mafia, using his ability to try and figure out who was doing what and talking others into acting. Him standing up to face Chuuya made me so anxious that I couldn’t help but burst into happy laughter when he sucked them both into one of Poes stories.

He really stepped it up in this series.

4. Naofumi Iwatani (The Rising of the Shield Hero)

Not a surprise either I guess.

The Rising of the Shield Hero was by far one of the strongest shows all year so far and whilst it had some terrible episodes and some stories weren’t that well told the main character, Naofumi, was by far the strongest part of the show.

From some random person sucked into a world and forced to fight, branded a rapist and exiled to the hero that saves everyone time and time again. Naofumi has gone from being just some guy to a cynical, anger filled and sarcastic dick who you can’t help but love because we understand how he got there. He didn’t just arrive as a dickhead he was made that way and even then saying he is one is a little wrong.

He portrays himself as the bad guy because he knows that is all people see anyway so why pretend to be the good guy when he can get his own way being the bad guy?

It worked as well.

By the end of the series he was acknowledged as being one of the strongest, he had his own town full of people he forced to help him and had taken down the church that had spent so long trying to take down every Shield Hero that arrived.

Who honestly couldn’t love Naofumi?

3. Satoru Kanoichi (Mayonaka No Occult Koumuin)

This one might have people scratch their head.

He wasn’t in many episodes and he wasn’t really a nice person.

That is the point though!

He was the first character that really challenged Arata’s way of thinking on Anothers and his ability. After he spoke his mind to Arata we found out that actually the other people around him didn’t think much different.

I guess it isn’t so much the character but the writing of this character that gets him in because whilst he isn’t the nicest and we know he’s kind of wrong and we know Arata knows that his position is shaky he was the first time we had to think about what other people would see when they saw Anothers.

Plus he wasn’t all bad.

He had a backstory that was easily told in a matter of small flashbacks and his mind had already kind of been changed but not totally. If there are more series he’ll be a character that will be most interesting to see grow in the future.

2. Garo (One Punch Man)

Probably not that surprising to be honest as I talked about how much I loved his character all season long.

We all know Saitama is amazing and the other Heroes all got to shine but it was the story of Garo that made season 2 so good.

Being the child that was picked on, the one who didn’t see the fairness in 10 heroes beating down on one monster, being the person who tried looking beyond “oh that’s  monster” and understand why it was doing what it was doing.

Garo opened our eyes to how different someone could see the situations that heroes get themselves in and make it seem negative. He also grew as the series went on, was a serious threat to absolutely everyone and had one of the most heroic moments in a fight that turned everything on its head and allowed the heroes to be monsters and the monster to be the hero.

1. Biwa-Hoshi (Dororo)

Another one that might come over as strange but if you had seen us talking about Dororo you knew that every time the Priest showed up we were always much happier.

He was kind of the glue that held the series together at times. Being the one that told the audience what facts we needed to know, helped point Dororo in the right direction and ended up being a mystery that we never got to learn about.

He was one of the best characters without ever having his story told or ever really getting much time to do anything.

Without him I think many stories would have suffered and whilst at times he came across as a character that was only ever there to move the story on he ended up being the character that saved the day, told the truth that needed to be heard and helped the characters with their moral dilemmas before they knew they had them.

Nothing but love for the blind Priest.


That is it for our five fav characters of the Spring Season but there were so many to choose from.

Both Bungou Stray Dogs and One Punch Man had mountains of characters to pick and we didn’t even pick any from something as character driven as Attack on Titan where most of the characters actually shone in the series.

From heroes to villains, passive background characters to the hidden heroes…

Let us know who your favourites were in the comments and if you have any in the running already for the Summer Season.

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