Category Archives: Writers corner

The Great Dumbledore Debate… Kinda

Here I got talking about Dumbledore again. He seems to be a character I tend to talk about a lot and once wrote a piece on why I had beef with the former Headmaster of Hogwarts.

This piece isn’t really about him I guess but the news that Dumbledore’s sexuality/relationships will not be explored in the new Fantastic Beasts movies.

Continue reading The Great Dumbledore Debate… Kinda

Week 1 Question : How do you know your perceptions are real?

At first I felt like I was the wrong person to answer this question and then I tried to think like Anna and I realized that actually maybe I’m the perfect person to answer this question.

We’re so certain of everything we see or hear that anything out of the ordinary can be explained away so easily, like it was the wind, when in actuality there is no explanation.

Continue reading Week 1 Question : How do you know your perceptions are real?

Self Promotion Alert…

So, like… Hi!

I know we’ve all been very, ummm, not here recently which sucks. We do apologise about that. Lots of work things have come up and I find it hard to be motivated to do much when I’m tired (and I’m still technically ill and probably dying of something nasty but too lazy on the one or two days off I have to go see a doctor.)

BUT (and here comes the self promotion bit) something I DO do and now have a Ao3 account to post it to is write trash.

All sorts of trash.

Trashy Trash, Trash with no meaning, Fluffy Trash, Trash with no other name but Trash and just literally everything I write is trash because I can’t write.

I know some of you will wonder how I can write Fanfics and NOT stuff I need to on here. Its kind of soothing to write crap, not so much to put it up online for others to read but its my way of trying to get over myself.

So like… I only have the beginnings of a long boring story set in the Star Wars universe (Goddammit my love for Domhnall Gleeson reached new heights and I needed to create my own character to poke General Hux within a inch of his life) but I do plan on uploading some of my old One Piece stuff (and maybe finish it) as well as my other stuff.

So go give me a read!

Now I shall disappear again. Maybe do some work. Hopefully.

365 Challenge : Third from the top

I’m not really a TV person. It might seem strange but I very rarely bother with the TV. When looking for a TV show I am pretty picky. I need to find something good. Something that would make get me hooked from the get go and excited about the next episode but not only that. It has to feel like it has that magic spark right from the get go.

Very rarely do I ever get that feeling.

I also get bored very easily so if I start second guessing things then I start to go off the show and I’m not very good with catch up so if I miss one thing I never bother with it again.

I prefer books.

365 Challenge : Share the Love

So I said on Twitter that we have failed the challenge but we’ll still continue even though its been failed twice.

Today I need to tell you about another blogger who influenced my online journey….

So boringly I’ll have to tell you about Anna!

Continue reading 365 Challenge : Share the Love

365 Challenge : The Social Network

No I don’t get social networking at all. I have a Instagram that I use to see what Anna posts and have never posted a photo on there myself. I run the webpages Twitter account but you can see how much I don’t get it 1. by how small our follower count is and 2. with the news that most of them followed us when Anna took over and she didn’t even put much effort into it because she knows she’d just babble on too long about things that aren’t important!

Lets not get started on Facebook which I 100% don’t have.

Sometimes I think its just too much. When listening on Skype to the guys talk they go on and on about seeing this news on this site and something else on that site, when we all looked at each others home screen on our phone all of theirs were filled with apps that do the same basic thing. When I asked them how many different, unique people they talk to on each site they all said it was basically the same people.I think it just loses its importance in the end. I don’t see the point of it at all. Each one wants to be so different but in the end they are all pretty similar. Just because Twitter has shorter messages or whatever doesn’t stop it being the same old same old.Don’t think I’ll ever “get” social media! Then again its one of our tasks for this year to sort out our social media stuff. So that isn’t really a positive with that in mind!

365 Challenge : Odd Couple

You know what I don’t tidy much but I don’t like mess. We don’t really have anything to clutter up our house and things that we take out we put away straight away.

I don’t think mess makes me feel anything really it just is unneeded. Sometimes we can make a bit of a mess in the bedroom when both working full time and we just tend to throw clothes around the place but it doesn’t really effect us in any way. It all gets picked up.

For us its kind of just like clockwork. Use something, clean it straight after and put it away.

When we have people coming over we’ll tend to go over the place with the hoover, something we don’t do that often if I’m honest, and maybe wipe some things down but that is it.

365 Challenge : Five a Day

If I could have 5 foods delivered to me on a deserted island what would they be?

It doesn’t say whether these are meals or just five actual food stuffs. If its just food things on their own then it would probably be :

Mars Bars
Greek Yoghurt
Walkers Ready Salted Crisps

I would die pretty fast but I’d be in heaven.

If they were meals then I guess I’d live a little longer. I’d still ask for the Apples and the Yogurt though maybe instead of just the Yogurt I’d ask for some fancy fruit do-hickey with Yogurt poured over it.

Plus pizza. Lots and lots of pizza.

Maybe something with bacon?

The thing is I would never think of how to survive I’d just panic and scream the first five things that I’d miss off the top of my head. Who would really sit there and think up the best five things to survive? I mean even if they gave me a chance to reconsider and pointed out that drink would not be included I’d probably still forget something as essential as water as long as you give me my bloody Mars Bars!

I’d be so easy to torture too! Forget the Mars Bars one time and then my life will be over.

I don’t do good with food!

365 Challenge : Trading Places

Have I ever thought of being a woman and what differences would I think I’d experience if I became one for a day?

To be honest in the space of a day you aren’t going to have much of a difference. Maybe less hassle in general personally.

The question was perfectly suited for Anna who is non-binary and would love to have had a long rant about gender so as a gender fluid person I’ll give it a shot.

Two different questions within one. Are we talking about being a female biologically or as in being of the female gender. Its two different things that many people don’t realise and that is where so much confusion over the “other genders” comes from. Biologically its obvious there are two different sexes but it is only humans that have assigned names to them and along with the names then assigned “ways of living.”

That is where the middle ground comes in.

Biologically there would probably be a lot of things you’d notice even in a day being different. A biologically female body has obviously different parts to it then a male one. I doubt it would really be that much to get over the initial shock and in one day the aches and pains of having to get used to said body would never be a problem. Over a longer period of time obvious biologically female functions and the need to get used to the body and difference in build would come into play but not in a day.

If we’re talking about mentally actually BECOMING female as a gender then for me it wouldn’t, again, prove too much difficulty. I’m gender fluid so I’m neither one nor the other but both at the same time, kind of. If anything I think it would come more of a shock for someone like Anna who might be biologically female but mentally is neither.

Then again if this is a thought exercise meant to make males think about what females go through on a day to day business (and vice versa) then again a day isn’t enough to make you notice anything. Over a longer period I might find discrimination when I didn’t before but I doubt I’d notice too much.

Not sure why people get so flustered thinking about being the opposite sex. Other then a few differences biologically the only barriers between the sexes are ones we’ve put there. Just get over it already.

365 Challenge : Happy Happy Joy Joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear… and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

I can’t remember to be honest. Because I can’t remember I’ll just give you a few that I do remember in my past. PLUS for a Geek who doesn’t go on about sport very often… These are all sports related!

Well one of the funniest moments was Italy vs Germany in the 2006 World Cup. It went to penalties and Italy have just as bad a penalty thing as England do. I support both Italy and Germany just so you know (along with the Dutch) but I have a strange thing about Italy so support them over every country in every sport. I honestly nearly broke my fingers punching my bedroom wall in joy when they won, horrible tears of joy.

Then again Jenson Button’s first win at the Hungarian GP in 2006 was pretty bad. I started to cry before the race was over and was screaming through my tears that he was obviously going to crash and the world would be over. I think I was in shock when he actually won. Not sure how my family put up with me.

Both those were 10 years ago now. Bloody heck.

Alonso winning the 2005/2006 championships, Button winning the 2009 championship. Actually the 2009 Australian GP weekend I don’t think I stopped crying. It was just stupidly happy times.

Ali Carter used to make me cry a lot. I can’t remember if there was anything in particular that made me cry but whenever he won I used to cry (yes I like Snooker, so shoot me.)

Not sport related?

I’m trying to think of something in a book that made me cry. I’m pretty sure there will be something. The end of Lord of the Rings makes me cry, not any of the bad stuff but like Sam’s life.

That’s about it.

I possibly nearly cried when I was told I got my job. I mean I never thought I’d have one so it was surprising!