
Hi, so we haven’t been around and that makes us sad.

Truth is a truck load of really bad things have been going on in my life and we just haven’t had time to think about this. I’ve been streaming a bunch on my Twitch stream as a way to block it all out and not feel bad playing video games but to be honest….

Life just sucks.

As you might know I caught COVID in March and have had to take time off work nearly every month since. Every month I’ve had to borrow money to make it to the end of the next, each month getting closer to not being able to pay essential bills and needing to borrow more.

This month I finally reached that point.

Not only that but I now don’t have my family to turn to and also have three months to find somewhere else to live, which is just a tad difficult when this month I still have £100 of bills to pay with £7 in my bank.

That is why I’m begging anyone who comes across this and ever enjoyed a single thing I did to give as little as you can to help me slowly raise the money to be able to survive what has turned out to be one of the worst months of my life.

This money isn’t going towards anything but my bills.

For the rest of March I will be streaming daily for at least a hour every day. One single donation of ANY size will let you pick a game for a stream (as long as I obviously own it) but I will also let people name characters, places etc, pick memes to be shown on our pre-show and even maybe other things if I can think of them.

I will only be sharing this or talking about it in August tho I might keep the Ko-fi page up after and I hate begging but I just can’t afford to live anymore.

So if anything I’ve ever done has made you smile and you have spare mons to give anything is appreciated.




Talk to us!