Tag Archives: Weekly Questions

Week 49 : What was your favourite book as a child?

I love reading, I am always reading something. I have too many books and never enough time to even start to think about reading them, there are so many unfinished stories in my library it is painful to think about.

What started this off?

Continue reading Week 49 : What was your favourite book as a child?

Week 47 : If you died today would you be remembered?

We’d all like to think that after we died we would be remembered but other than maybe family I really don’t think I personally have made a lasting impression on anyway for them to care for much longer then it took to bury me.

Continue reading Week 47 : If you died today would you be remembered?

Week 37 : Would you kill 10 people to save 1?

We’re back with the weekly question! We know it disappeared mid-September but we hope that this year we’ll be able to bring it back and keep it running all year long, we’ve kept what number week we were up to instead of restarting the count because we are interested to see how high we can get this up. Because we’re nerds I guess.

So this week is a question of morality. Would I kill 10 people to save just 1.

Continue reading Week 37 : Would you kill 10 people to save 1?

Week 1 Question : How do you know your perceptions are real?

At first I felt like I was the wrong person to answer this question and then I tried to think like Anna and I realized that actually maybe I’m the perfect person to answer this question.

We’re so certain of everything we see or hear that anything out of the ordinary can be explained away so easily, like it was the wind, when in actuality there is no explanation.

Continue reading Week 1 Question : How do you know your perceptions are real?