Tag Archives: Football

365 Challenge : Happy Happy Joy Joy

We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear… and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy?

I can’t remember to be honest. Because I can’t remember I’ll just give you a few that I do remember in my past. PLUS for a Geek who doesn’t go on about sport very often… These are all sports related!

Well one of the funniest moments was Italy vs Germany in the 2006 World Cup. It went to penalties and Italy have just as bad a penalty thing as England do. I support both Italy and Germany just so you know (along with the Dutch) but I have a strange thing about Italy so support them over every country in every sport. I honestly nearly broke my fingers punching my bedroom wall in joy when they won, horrible tears of joy.

Then again Jenson Button’s first win at the Hungarian GP in 2006 was pretty bad. I started to cry before the race was over and was screaming through my tears that he was obviously going to crash and the world would be over. I think I was in shock when he actually won. Not sure how my family put up with me.

Both those were 10 years ago now. Bloody heck.

Alonso winning the 2005/2006 championships, Button winning the 2009 championship. Actually the 2009 Australian GP weekend I don’t think I stopped crying. It was just stupidly happy times.

Ali Carter used to make me cry a lot. I can’t remember if there was anything in particular that made me cry but whenever he won I used to cry (yes I like Snooker, so shoot me.)

Not sport related?

I’m trying to think of something in a book that made me cry. I’m pretty sure there will be something. The end of Lord of the Rings makes me cry, not any of the bad stuff but like Sam’s life.

That’s about it.

I possibly nearly cried when I was told I got my job. I mean I never thought I’d have one so it was surprising!