Keep Your Hands off Eizouken! : An Iron Giant Appears!

Episode 5

Tetsukyojin Arawaru!” (鉄巨人あらわる!)

This is a show I never want to end. With funding secured the Eizouken are off to start making more anime and boy do I love watching the process of them making their anime.

Plus they have their first customers as the Robot club ask them to make a promotional video for the upcoming Festival in which their robot is going to be the centerpiece.

Just the head of the Robot club is as crazy as most of the members of the Eizouken and both sides want a realistic yet fun anime but look at the other side as more of a enemy then comrades in arms for this project.

It led to some really funny moments like the Eizouken girls walking in on the Robot club coming up with a plan to blackmail them, which is what they were also trying to do but Kanamori is too smart to be caught writing it on a white board, or the then joint work on making a Robot that both the Eizouken and the Robot Club could love.

Before that we also had a great little moment down in a tunnel where they want to base the anime, seeing how they wanted to work out the scenery for the fights before anything else was a interesting insight into how Asakusa and Mizusaki want to work but it also again led to the hilarious moments of Asakusa being terrified of the dark and coming super prepared with all sorts just in case.

Including cute light up shoes.

I do kind of hope we go back to “Hold That Machete Tight!” at some point because I would like to see what it looks like completed but I’m happy we’re moving onto other projects as well. This Robot vs Monster thing could be really fun the only problem is seeing the Robot the club has looks nothing like the Robot they have now created I can’t see how it is being used for Promotional stuff for the Robot club and can see the actual spotlight being on the Eizouken once more.

That I guess is something we’ll come to later on.

Kanamori though is still my favourite and I love that she is still battling the difficult job of explaining to two people with their heads in the clouds that just making anime isn’t going to cut it.

To be able to run a club, get equipment and everything else they need they need funding, they need exposure and everything else that the other two don’t think about. Her constant battle of trying to get them to understand why they have to do certain things and then keep them to deadlines is a interesting role that I’m happy we get to see because it is realistic.

Things have deadlines.

If you don’t have something to show for your work then people aren’t going to pay you or even pay attention to you. Kanamori is the driving force behind getting things done whilst the others spend too much time fussing over little details they don’t really have the time to worry about.

Plus I just love how angry and in your face she is. Kanamori is the boss.

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