Infinite Dendrogram : The Right Arm of the Victor

Episode 11

 “Shōrisha no Uwan” (勝利者の右腕)

Whilst the more interesting of the battles is already over we have two really good battles to look forward to as Rook takes on Hugo and Ray tries to stop Franklin.

This episode started with Rooks story and what a story he had. He basically was the child of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler without actually saying that, though we should have guessed with a surname like Holmes, and he himself is in the game to undercover the secrets it seems his parents died trying to find out.

Or maybe the plane crash was a accident and I read way too much into that.

It made the battle between Rook and Hugo very different as well, instead of seeing two people battle it out we saw Hugo rush in to attack whilst Rook basically Sherlock Holmes’d the heck out of the battle. That being said I didn’t really like Rook’s big speech to Hugo which I guess is because we knew enough about Hugo already to know that what Rook had deducted was wrong, or at least you felt bad enough about Hugo that you didn’t like hearing Rook have a go at a kid who was trying their best to escape their life and be a better person in their own eyes.

Not that it matters as by the end of their battle Hugo was under Rook’s powers.

Moving onto Ray’s battle and he ends up fighting the RSK, the Ray Starling Killer, a creature created by Franklin that was immune to everything Ray had to throw at him.

In other words it was yet another super smart battle that had to see Ray actually figure out a way to defeat something that to him was undefeatable.

Whilst I do get bored of it always being Ray it made sense this time. It was Franklin that tried to kill Liliana in the first place so he was annoyed that it was Ray and his presence that stopped his plan right at the beginning of Ray’s game and even his ability to defeat the monster was just general game play knowledge, being able to see that there was something inside of the RSK that could be killed is something you would probably end up just learning in battle anyway.

If anything everything was too wordy in this battle and whilst it was cool I didn’t find it as interesting to watch as the others.

Maybe it was too close to the Rook/Hugo fight that just happened and that had a lot of talking too. By this point I just wanted to see Ray slog it out with whatever he was fighting but instead it was two very heavy on the talking battles which is weird.

That isn’t to say I disliked either, they were both pretty good and I really like Franklin as a bad guy.

I just kind of wish the Ray battle had kept my interest better.

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