Tag Archives: 5 Things….

5 Things… Our sad goodbye to Silicon Valley

For six years Silicon Valley has been one of my favourite shows. It was that chill comedy that just made me feel good. Packed with drama, upset and some real life sadness there wasn’t a moment I would take back watching it.

So here are 5 reasons why I loved this show so much.

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5 Things… 5 Things this season of GLOW messed up in some way

So obviously there is going to be spoilers here and the biggest one can’t be hidden which is that I was a little disappointed with the return of one of my absolute favourite shows.

So here are 5 things that really ruined GLOW this year for me.

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5 Things… With the Ending of the Spring Season, here are 5 Series of this seasons Anime you MUST WATCH!

So I guess we don’t always even watch 5 series a season, as of writing this for the Summer Season we are only watching 4 things. That being said there was a lot of stuff we watched in the Spring Season so here are our 5 favourites.

Continue reading 5 Things… With the Ending of the Spring Season, here are 5 Series of this seasons Anime you MUST WATCH!

5 Things… Our Favs with all our heart from the Spring Seasons list of fantastic characters.

So it is a little late but I thought it was about time when the anime seasons end that we actually have a bit of a look back at the good, the bad and the ugly.

Or maybe just the good because you probably are fed up of hearing about the other bits.

So today we’ll be looking at our favourite characters from the Spring Season which included The Rising of the Shield Hero, Dororo, Attack on Titan Season 3, Bungou Stray Dogs Season 3 and Mayonaka No Occult Koumin.

Our one rule is that the anime has to END in the season for it to be part of the end of season stuff. So things that carried over from winter are in this whilst Demon Slayer will, if we get ourselves together and do it in time, be part of the Summer Season.

Continue reading 5 Things… Our Favs with all our heart from the Spring Seasons list of fantastic characters.

5 Things… With MKXI upon us here are our favourite characters from the Mortal Kombat franchise

I do not hide the fact that I am a Mortal Kombat fan and I am very much looking forward to the release of Mortal Kombat XI. I already have had a play around with the Beta Test and can’t wait to get to play the entire thing with all the old and new characters.

But with so many characters in its history who are the ones I love the most.

Don’t worry I banned Scorpion and Sub Zero from my own list because we all know how much those lovely Ninja Boys are beloved anyway.

Continue reading 5 Things… With MKXI upon us here are our favourite characters from the Mortal Kombat franchise

Back in Time… RAW 1st April 1996

So this series will be a 5 Things… with a little difference to it. I’m going to do my best to go through the Attitude Era and decided to start after the ’96 WrestleMania. It’ll be a weekly thing hopefully, should be fun.

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5 Things… DEFIANT Loaded #11

I’m not sure if I’ll be watching DEFIANT Live tonight, I probably won’t be writing anything about it until tomorrow even if I do because I’ve just had a difficult weekend OK. Feel sorry for me.

Here though are last week’s 5 Things… These are 5 Things I loved, hated or just thought worthy of a mention and for once there isn’t a single Nathan Cruz mention. Actually there hasn’t been for a few weeks but that isn’t the point.

Continue reading 5 Things… DEFIANT Loaded #11