Tag Archives: HBO

5 Things… Our sad goodbye to Silicon Valley

For six years Silicon Valley has been one of my favourite shows. It was that chill comedy that just made me feel good. Packed with drama, upset and some real life sadness there wasn’t a moment I would take back watching it.

So here are 5 reasons why I loved this show so much.

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Chernobyl : Vichnaya Pamyat

With the events now over and the clean up still ongoing, Legasov has lied to the IAEA in Vienna but he still has a chance to tell the truth at a trial put on to punish Dyatlov, Bryukhanov and Fomin.

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Chernobyl : The Happiness of All Mankind

I honestly don’t think anything that could happen in this episode could break my heart more then the things we had to see in the episode before.

The destruction of human bodies due to the radiation, the harsh decisions needed to be made and just the amount of people even after the explosion that had to be sacrificed even if their death was not as painful or as soon as those who attended the explosion is horrifying.

Now there is a clean up to be done.

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Chernobyl : Please Remain Calm

After the explosion what happens?

In the city of Pripyat life goes on for those who weren’t close enough to have ended up with radiation poisoning and are in the hospital.

It is up to the politicians to decide whether their citizens or pride mean more to them.

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Chernobyl : 1:23:45

As always we tend to be a little behind on TV shows coming out as none of us really sit down to watch TV but with people honestly in awe of this series that tells the story during the moments after the Chernobyl explosion we just had to sit down and catch up with it.

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