Tag Archives: Undertaker

Back in Time… WWE : In Your House 8 Beware of Dog

Another PPV kind of thing. In Your House Beware of Dog saw Michaels vs the Bulldog with the whole “you slept with my wife” thing going on, Taker vs Goldust in a Casket Match and all the other crazy things you would imagine from a In Your House.

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Back in Time… RAW 20th May 1996

It’s my Birthday today YAY! And to celebrate we’re going back to the Go Home show for In Your House Beware of Dog.

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Back in Time… RAW May 13th 1996

Last week was a great RAW with Goldust at ringside being creepy, getting to see Tekno Team 2000 who I hopefully will have seen the last of and we got more accusations against Shawn Michaels.

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Back in Time… RAW 1st April 1996

So this series will be a 5 Things… with a little difference to it. I’m going to do my best to go through the Attitude Era and decided to start after the ’96 WrestleMania. It’ll be a weekly thing hopefully, should be fun.

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WrestleMania 2016 Predictions

They are pretty late seeing WrestleMania is pretty much on us but I’m still going to put them out there.

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RAW 21/3/16 Review

A lackluster SmackDown to end last week did nothing but build for next weeks SmackDown, Ambrose calling off Lesnar, tonight we see the response from the boss over the attack by Roman Reigns.

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WWE SummerSlam 2015 Review

The big 4 hour blockbuster of a event that everyone is talking about is here. As long as we remember what time its on of course.

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RAW 8/17/15 Review

The last RAW before SummerSlam and there are stories to ramp up and contracts to sign.

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RAW 27/7/15 Review

I don’t know where Pete has been as I’ve been on holiday so have had no contact with anyone but seeing he hasn’t been able to do the reviews then I’ve decided to do it myself now I’m catching up!

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