Tag Archives: WWE

Back in Time… WWE : In Your House 8 Beware of Dog

Another PPV kind of thing. In Your House Beware of Dog saw Michaels vs the Bulldog with the whole “you slept with my wife” thing going on, Taker vs Goldust in a Casket Match and all the other crazy things you would imagine from a In Your House.

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Back in Time… RAW 20th May 1996

It’s my Birthday today YAY! And to celebrate we’re going back to the Go Home show for In Your House Beware of Dog.

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Back in Time… RAW May 13th 1996

Last week was a great RAW with Goldust at ringside being creepy, getting to see Tekno Team 2000 who I hopefully will have seen the last of and we got more accusations against Shawn Michaels.

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Back in Time… RAW 29th April 1996

So In Your House 7 is over and done with. British Bulldog apparently was pissed that Michaels wanted to sleep with his wife, we’ve got updates on that apparently in this one as well as Isaac Yankem vs Ultimate Warrior…

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Back in Time… RAW 22nd April 1996

Last week we were treated to a pretty wonderful match THIS week, because we have no patience, we got the rematch of that match in the go home show before IYH.

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Something, something AEW

Let me just get started that this isn’t a blog dissing AEW before they’ve even done anything, I’m looking forward to their shows just as much as I look forward to any wrestling show I’m able to watch.

Then again it isn’t a blog going on about how I believe they’ll suddenly shoot up to be the biggest threat to Vince McMahon’s empire either because people say that about just about every other big Indie promotion around at some point.

In fact I don’t think it really is about AEW at all but the fans. It isn’t a dig at them but maybe a question that I wanted answered.

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