Amanda’s Diary #1

20, January 2014

Dearest Readers.

This is my first diary to you. Hello dears! Hope you are all well.

I am Amanda, I’m not the oldest member of this blog or the youngest (aww look at Awerka being so young and cute!) I’m also not the most exciting or the most creative. I am just me.

So how does and ordinary girl like myself make an impression on a blog? A blog with much more interesting people?

I make a whole load of stuff up about myself! And write it in a diary that I share with you. Hows that sound?

So wipe all what you just read from your memory and let me introduce myself!

20, January 2014

Dearest Readers.

I have decided that my life is so important, my life is so amazing and full of wonder that I would like to share it with you all.

Currently I am sat here eating my breakfast at 13:03 with my pet Dragon Marcey. I obtained Marcey at a car boot sale, some old lady thought that the egg she had on sale was just an ornament, kept babbling inanely about how worthless it was. But it suited my wonderful tastes in decor so I brought it with haste! I got it home just for my rather silly partner to drop it in the fire. With a shreik out popped Marcey, my wonderful companion.

She eats very little for she is only a small Dragon. Some bacon in the morning (if our adventures don’t keep us up too late!), a pork chop or 5 in the afternoon and then a chicken before bed. She does like chocolate too and is very helpful around the house if you have some crisps on hand for treats.

Marcey’s wing span is huge, you could hardly tell she had such giant wings the way she folds them in on herself. She’s a poisoned green colour and glitters in the sun light. Her eyes are a wonderful purple, like two jewels glowing out for the world to see. Her teeth are very pointy and her front two stick out over the end of her mouth, they aren’t quite white, looking more like bone then teeth. To touch her is like touching uncooked bacon. Her scales don’t seem to stand out at all to the touch, don’t try to stab her though its harder then metal. She has a warm feeling to her, like she’s suddenly going to explode, I do wonder if a Dragon isn’t just a furnace under all those scales.

My partner is a mad scientist, well in his spare time. He is OBSESSED with time travel, he’s adamant that he once sent us all back about an hour into the past….

I didn’t want to tell him that actually the clocks had gone back an hour the night before and he hadn’t changed his clock in his lab.

We live a normal life, in a normal street. OK it took the neighbours by surprise the first time they saw Marcey but by then they’d gotten used to all the explosions caused by my partner.

And why are me and Marcey up at 13:03 eating breakfast?

Well you’ll have to wait till my next diary to find that out!

So this is me signing off. Have a good week Readers and remember, Dragons are cool therefore I’m cooler then you because I have a pet one.

Good night!

Talk to us!