Tag Archives: Connor Renshaw

DEFIANT Wrestling : Loaded #13

So I actually went out to a pub quiz the week this aired and just never found the time (I was too depressed to sit and watch it) to catch up so here is the catch up guys! Seeing the next time I’m going out drinking is a Saturday hopefully we’ll catch up and go back to being a weekly thing.

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DEFIANT Wrestling : Loaded #10

So I don’t know. It is that strange place where this isn’t really going to talk much about Unstoppable but it is here and doing what it does.

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DEFIANT Wrestling : Loaded #8

Last week was meant to be a brilliant week for me and it didn’t end up that way, this week it looks like a interesting week if not one with many big matches. Getting closer to the PPV it I guess is interesting to see where the stories go from here.

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DEFIANT Wrestling : Loaded #6

We are up to date and here with this week’s review of Loaded.

A lot of talking, a lot of story building and a main event we have been waiting with baited breath for. He is here, it is the debut of PAC.

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DEFIANT Wrestling : Loaded #3

So much happened in Episode 2. A new GM, very big boys wrestling with very smol boys… Martin Kirby being a dick.

THIS week the Local Hero returns, the Anti Fun Police start their plan and we FINALLY get the blow off to Primate vs Gabriel Kidd.

Continue reading DEFIANT Wrestling : Loaded #3