Tag Archives: Reel Big Fish

My Week as a Playlist Week 29

So this week I’m doing something different because… Well my week has consisted of writing anime reviews and being ill with a few days of work at either end of the week. So I’m gonna go back in time and talk about 4… MAYBE a few more songs from my teenage years and why they’ve stuck with me.

Like this might be a mega playlist.

You’re welcome.

Continue reading My Week as a Playlist Week 29

My Life as a Playlist Week 23

First off the Kimmy Schimdt review was MEANT to be out yesterday but I pressed the wrong button and saved it as a draft instead of scheduling it. I will get that out sometime don’t you worry about it (I want to double check just in case I saved it as a draft for a reason.)

Second off this week has been a little tiring for me. I spent a lot of it in pain and with my sister so there isn’t really much to talk about. So yeah another one of those weeks.

Continue reading My Life as a Playlist Week 23

My Life As a Playlist Week 21

This week has been the least productive week in a while mainly because it was the first week in a long time that I had to do a lot of overtime so was just busy and didn’t get around to editing anything. I have a few days off now before back to work so hopefully I’ll update everything.

Till then I have a bit of a mixed up one, partly life related and partly cop out choices.

Continue reading My Life As a Playlist Week 21