Tag Archives: Savage Garden

My Life as a Playlist Week 34

Yes I know, I know. Not only did the streak end but week 33 just didn’t happen. In fact recently nothing has been happening and its a mixture of depression, anxiety, hard work and being in so much pain that if I’m not at work being forced to be awake I’m at home either crying in pain or napping to get away from the pain.

I don’t really want to dwell on the pain and the crying right now, some terrible news was passed to me today which I don’t have the time to really digest right now seeing I still have two more days of work so a complete cop out week is in order.

Remember I did that ridiculous blog with my childhood songs? Well here are four, only four I promise, from my actual CHILD childhood that mean nothing personally other then being things I listened too before I was old enough to know better or have much choice. I’ll hope to have a blog out latter in the week explaining everything. At least by Thursday.

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